As Company


In response to the Covid-19 we are asking brands to devote their efforts to ‘Stop The Spread’ among their employees, loyal customers and community. I.C.D.S will give you the opportunity to make branded masks for your company’s participation.

With every mask provided we can acquire more medical grade mask for our First Responders and include you in our Wall of Fame.

Help to re-open the economy, our society and global community so that we can live the American Dream again.

BACK THE FRONTLINE NOW with your participation and acquire your company mask for all your employees and customers to ready yourself for the re-opening of business and our new “normal”.

Fully Customized Face Mask

If you require further customization of the entire mask we can do this for you.

We produce reusable masks that are ideal for branding + customer satisfaction. The interior material is gentle on touch when mask is attached to the face. The front piece and loops (custom strings and custom printed fabric) can be fully customized. Your Brand will have the freedom to be unique and stand out. Each mask has a pocket for breathable non woven inserts (which can possibly be provided by us and resold in your stores) and adjustable top for better fit.

option A


option B